Europe’s Growing Muslim Population

Pew Research Center

Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe’s population – even with no future migration.
In recent years, Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. This wave of Muslim migrants has prompted debate about immigration and security policies in numerous countries and has raised questions about the current and future number of Muslims in Europe.

Read more about Europe’s Growing Muslim Population

Intellectual castration and the intellectual training of society

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) may be the first to have dealt with the castration complex in a logical, scientific manner. According to Freud’s theory on the issue of incest the father becomes the reminder of intellectual castration, and Freud applied this to himself by considering himself intellectually sterile and that he personally was the one that had imposed upon himself this sterility  Read more about Intellectual castration and the intellectual training of society

The Qur’ān – between the Meccan and Madinan sūras

Nabil al-Haydari

The scholars of law say that the Qur’ān was revealed over a period of 23 years. This can be divided into two parts: 13 years in Mecca followed by 10 years in Medina. That is, that the verses were revealed over these periods and were not revealed at one go. This, however, presents many difficulties. Noticeable in these verses of the Qur’ān is a large disparity between them, as if they constituted two different, opposing and mutually contradicting persons.

Read more about The Qur’ān – between the Meccan and Madinan sūras

ISLAM.EE uus logo

Kuna leheküljega seotud vana logo elas oma aja ära ning enam ei kirjeldanud tänases maailmas toimuvat piisavalt hästi, siis sai loodud uus märk, milles kajastub lehekülje ideed viia kokku Eesti inimene ja info Lähis-Idast. Kasutatud on EAS-I poolt välja arendatud Eesti märgi juurde käivat Aino kirjatüüpi, mis rõhutab lehekülje sisulist ideed näidata eestlastele nende oma […]

Helen Geršman kaitses doktoritöö: Usāma ibn Lādini sõnumite retooriline analüüs!

20.06.2017 kaitses doktorant Helen Geršman Tallinna Ülikoolis oma doktoritöö  teemal “Teekond juhtivterroristist džihaadi eestkõnelejaks. Usāma ibn Lādini sõnumite retooriline analüüs” (“From Terrorist Leader to Voice of Ǧihād. A Rhetorical Analysis of Usāma ibn Lādin’s Messages”)

Read more about Helen Geršman kaitses doktoritöö: Usāma ibn Lādini sõnumite retooriline analüüs!

Faruk Abu Chakra loeng: «Keeristorm araabiamaailmas»

Eestis ja kogu maailmas räägitakse palju pagulaskriisist, terrorismist, moslemitest, islamist ning Araabiamaailmast – kuid kui palju me tegelikult teame nende terminite tagamaid?

Antud küsimustele püüab anda vastuseid TÜ araabia keele külalislektori ja Helsingi ülikooli emeriitõppejõu Faruk Abu-Chacra avalik loeng ja mõtterännak teemal „Keeristorm Araabiamaailmas“. Read more about Faruk Abu Chakra loeng: «Keeristorm araabiamaailmas»